Okay, seems all I do is work, work, work. It's getting really depressing, especially when I do work for people that don't want to pay their bill, and I'm left holding the bag. I do have bills to pay too, and I do need to replace things that break. I do not have an unlimited funds account, I have to struggle just like everyone else, and for some people to think that their struggles are worse than mine, well, that may be what you think, but my whole life has been a struggle and its still a struggle. I can't even pay my medical bills as I need to, either, and at my age, that's not a good thing. I'm just blowing off steam because I don't like being taken advantage of, and if you're reading this and think its about you....its not! It's not about any particular person, it's not about YOU! It's about frustration, about trusting people to do the right thing, and they don't; it's about taking people for granted; it's about putting your faith and trust that people will do the right thing, and they just let you down; it's about me knowing better, but trusting them and allowing it anyway! It's about the world of the "Me" generation, and how it affects everyone else, but no one sees it because they are too busy thinking of themselves. It's not about "Me"; it's not about "You"; WHY can't people just think first, and do the right thing! Guess I'm still an idealist, because I still believe that tomorrow when I wake up, everything will be good and people will see the light, even when I know they don't care. Because all that's important to them, is THEM!